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Citibank Mortgage Loan Benefits
- Save on interest payments by earnig the same interest rate you pay on your mortgage
- With a cap limit to esnure a greater rate protection in case of fluctuations
- Manage your funds by deposit or withdrawal at anytime
- Offer flexibility to choose 1 month & 3 month HIBOR
Citibank Mortgage Loan Benefits
- Take advantage of market interest rate movement to capture a lower mortgage rate
- With a cap limit to esnure a greater rate protection in case of fluctuations
- Offer flexibility to choose 1 month & 3 month HIBOR
Citibank Mortgage Loan Benefits
- Save on interest payments by earnig the same interest rate you pay on your mortgage
- With a cap limit to esnure a greater rate protection in case of fluctuations
- Manage your funds by deposit or withdrawal at anytime
- Offer flexibility to choose 1 month & 3 month HIBOR
Citibank Mortgage Loan Benefits
- Take advantage of market interest rate movement to capture a lower mortgage rate
- With a cap limit to esnure a greater rate protection in case of fluctuations
- Offer flexibility to choose 1 month & 3 month HIBOR
Citibank Mortgage Loan Benefits
- Save on interest payments by earnig the same interest rate you pay on your mortgage
- Manage your funds by deposit or withdrawal at anytime
- Interest rate and mortgage installments stay relatively stable
Citibank Mortgage Loan Benefits
- Interest rate and mortgage installments stay relatively stablet
- Lower the risks of interest rate fluctuations in the short term
Our mortgage experts are here for you. Contact a mortgage specialist.
Use this online mortgage repayment calculators to assess your monthly interest and mortgage installement. For more information or a more accurate assessment, please call our hotline or use the online form below.
Looking to start a business, study abroad or repay debts? Try Citibank's Further Advance on mortgage / Property Refinancing service to convert the value of your mortgaged property into cash. Use this online mortgage repayment calculators to assess your monthly interest and mortgage installement. For more information or a more accurate assessment, please call our hotline or use the online form below.